This book is the easiest way to get your child started reading music!
Counting, ear training, verbal games, visual games, fingering games, humor games and chord games are explored in fun, interactive ways.
No musical experience is required and all the chords necessary are included in an appendix. Everything is presented in our easy-to-read Piano By Number format.
- 30 Fun Piano Games
- Includes Audio Play Along Songs and DVD (online)
- Includes Piano By Number Mobile Phone APP
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- Free pre-printed stickers
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FOURS: Student plays white keys four times each, from one to twelve. Try online here.
THREES Same game but counting in groups of three.
ADVENTURE with teacher’s directions. A rhythm game in which the child’s part is the simplest of all. ADVENTURE without teacher’s directions.
HAPPY OR SAD: Kids identify the emotional quality of small passages (a group of notes ) or chords.
WHICH WAY IS UP: Kids identify the direction in which the music is moving. NAME THAT SONG: A game show involving very familiar songs.
FOLLOW THE LEADER: Kids have to observe and repeat the pattern that the teacher plays.
FOURS WITH BLACK KEYS: A more complex version of the FOURS games which includes the black keys.
GAMES FOR THE PIANO: Also Includes 21 More Fun Piano Games:
- Quarters
2. Piano Dice Game
3. Mozart's Favorite Movie
4. Baseball, Kids and Piano
5. Chordomatic Piano Game
6. Finger Olympics for the Piano
7. Piano Fingering with Familiar Songs
8. Extreme Piano Games for an ADHD Child
9. Preschool Piano Games
10. Piano Practice Games
11. The Future Effect of Piano Games
12. Visual Piano Games and Exercises
13. The Impossible Game for Kid's Piano
14. ADHD Piano Games
15. Precursor Skill Piano Games
16. Piano Games to Play When All Goes Wrong
17. Follow The Leader Piano Games
18. Piano Hand Position Games
19. How to Create Games for the Piano
20. Toys and Accessories for A Fun Piano Lesson
21. Happy or Sad: Ear Training for Kids
We'll email you FREE online access to the Audio Play Along Songs and the 54 minute video from Teach Yourself Piano. The video will show you how to play all 12 major and minor chords. You can play and save these online on any device on our Vimeo channel.