Preschool Piano Music

Preschool piano music should be delivered in the simplest form possible. If possible, don't start with reading music. Find a simpler language, like numbers. The list of songs appropriate for preschool piano music is quite limited.
The best songs are on the white keys, and are familiar to kids. A good strategy at first is to ignore fingering. Accept the inevitable index finger until the child has had a chance to make some music.
Piano Is Easy
The Best Songs
The best preschool piano music is inevitably a song that the child knows. Unfortunately, all piano teachers use the opposite strategy. They start with fake, unknown exercise pieces that are meant to start drilling the skills of reading music. Immediately.
But you can teach all the same skills with songs that are recognizable to the child. Here are some kid's favorite songs, and what can be taught with them.
MARY HAD A LITTLE LAMB Fingers in a row
JINGLE BELLS Skipping keys
TWINKLE, TWINKLE LITTLE STAR Notes in groups of two
Number The Keys
Since you need a language to communicate the songs to kids, we have chosen numbers. They are entirely familiar to kids, and they can start playing right away. Below you'll see what your piano keyboard will look like with the numbered stickers installed.
Using this method, kids get a quick and fun start to piano study. Try a few white key songs on our online piano below.
| 3 2 1 2 | 3 3 3 * | 2 2 2 * | 3 5 5 * |
| 3 3 3 * | 3 3 3 * | 3 5 1 2 | 3 * * * |
| 1 * 1 | 1 * 2 | 3 * * | 3 * 3 | 2 * 1 | 2 * 3 | 1 * * |
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