by john aschenbrenner
Welcome to the Kids Online Piano Club! Scroll down to find songs you'd like to play.
Anvil Chorus (Verdi)
After You've Gone
Ain't Misbeha...
by john aschenbrenner
If you're searching for "Piano Online 123" you're probably looking for a numbered piano keyboard that you can play online.
It's a good place to st...
by john aschenbrenner
The transition from numbers to notes can take days or years. It depends on the age of the child and their temperament. In either case, don't rus...
by john aschenbrenner
I've invented ADHD piano games for kids with this condition. I find them very smart but unable to control their excitement. One particular child'...
by john aschenbrenner
The secret of how to make your kids love piano is to take it slow. Take it easy, make a game of it, and get down to the child's level immediatel...
by john aschenbrenner
Anyone who says, "If kids are having fun, they're not learning" didn't have the kid's piano teachers I had. I had teachers who taught "fun kid...
by john aschenbrenner
To make beginning piano simple, you have to bring piano down to the child's level at first. They will be terribly confused and find it almost im...
by john aschenbrenner
Adapting the piano method to the child is the wisest way to begin the great journey of piano lessons.
Any Child Can Play Piano
Every child can b...
by john aschenbrenner
There are certain piano toys that you should bring to a lesson. They will make the time a little brighter, and set the mood of the lesson. We're...
by john aschenbrenner
There is only one reason why kids succeed at the piano: patience. I have taught children with incredibly deep talent, and those with almost no...
by john aschenbrenner
Piano Candy, and the case for bribery, is one way of getting kids started at the piano. You may well accuse me of bribery, even poisoning, and...
by john aschenbrenner
The idea of playing piano by number has been around for a long time. Numbering the keys is just an extension of numbering the fingers. This was f...
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