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Make Beginning Piano Simple

Make Beginning Piano Simple

To make beginning piano simple, you have to bring piano down to the child's level at first. They will be terribly confused and find it almost impossible to generate any enthusiasm if you ignore their level. This temporary lowering of the bar allows the child to move at their pace.

If they show understanding, we can raise the bar a little. If you let the child set the height of the bar, you'll see what the child can learn comfortably. In that comfortable mood, you might be able to introduce a little more complication. You might even be able to raise the bar half an inch.

Piano Is Easy

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One Page Per Lesson

Most piano teacher's methods consist of trying to get the child to live up to their expectations. They expect to be on page 1 on lesson 1, and on lesson 2, they will be on page 2. If the child doesn't "get it," they are a problem the teacher would rather not have.

Now the teacher has to figure out how to get the kid to understand, and he can't just go from page to page as he expected. Maybe the old method doesn't work on all kids. But that would never occur to this teacher. What was the six year old expecting?

Kids Expect Fun

To a six year old, music is bouncing, bubbly fun. It is either fun or it isn't. There's very little middle ground. But the teacher doesn't want you to "taste the delicious sausage," to see if you'd like to become a sausage maker. He wants you to see exactly how sausage is made. And the going is tough. Wouldn't it be better for the child to experience the joy of making music, however humbly, and then, later, plunge into the intense world of music theory?

The problem is that the teacher has no way of making music simple enough for the child to play, without making the music terribly simplistic and boring. The "tunes" aren't even recognizable. So we suggest you delay reading music, and start instead with numbering the piano keys.

Jingle Bells

| 3 3 3 * | 3 3 3 * | 3 5 1 2 | 3 * * * |

| 4 4 4 4 | 4 3 3 3 | 3 2 2 3 | 2 * 5 * |


It's Fun Or It Isn't

Kids have enough mindless drudgery in school all day. The kid isn't expecting a circus in the lesson, but they're not prepared to sit still, be quiet and listen to a professor rant for half an hour. "Where was the fun?" says the kid. Pressure won't work. Kids have no idea of the goal you have in mind that requires such pressure. They thought they were here to have fun with the piano.

So we number the keys as above and I ask the child, "What songs do you know? What music do you want to play?" Then I set about translating their choices of songs into a form they can understand right away. Yes, eventually they will read notes, but for now we need to convince them that the piano is a fun place to be.

Nothing will happen until the child has decided that the piano is fun enough to continue. If it is too complex, the first lesson may be the last. 


Piano Teaching Style

If It’s Fun For The Teacher, It’s Fun For The Kids

Piano Methods and Children’s Personalities

The Backwards Piano Method

Reverse Psychology and Children’s Piano

Help Your Child Enjoy The Piano

Ten Rules for A Pleasant Piano Teaching Atmosphere

If You’re Having Fun, You’re Not Learning

The Difference Between the Worst and Best Piano Teacher

A Piano Teacher’s Emotions

A Pleasant Piano Lesson Atmosphere

The Use of Humor in Piano Lessons

Make Use of Your Student’s Sense of Humor

The Piano Whisperer

Fitting the Piano Method to the Child

Soft Piano vs. Hard Piano

Why I Teach Piano

Advice To A Young Piano Teacher

Teaching Children's Piano

Guilt Is The Wrong Way To Buy Attention

The Piano Teacher’s Tone of Voice

Knowing When To Back Off

Piano Candy: The Case For Bribery

Why Nagging Your Child To Practice Won’t Work

How To Make Your Kids Love The Piano

Teaching Kid’s Piano Is Like Herding Cats

Repeated Victory Will Make You Invincible

Ratio of Talk To Activity in Piano Lessons

On Which Side of the Piano Do You Teach?

Setting the Mood Of Children’s Piano Lessons

Why Kids Succeed At The Piano

Child Pianists Are Like Guide Dogs

The Purpose Of The First Five Piano Lessons

The Real Goal Of Children’s Piano Lessons

The Philosophy Of Piano For Kids

How Simple Should Piano Lessons Be?

Piano Toys You Should Bring To A Lesson

Fun Kid’s Piano

Joyful Piano Lessons

The Invisible Piano Method

A Patient Piano Teacher

The Reverse Piano Method

Nurture Your Piano Students

Against Disciplinarian Piano Teachers

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We've turned notes into numbers for happy beginners at the piano!

Play Along Songs Are Fun!


Turn that big piano into a toy! Play fun piano games with your child today! We help take the confusion out of beginning music theory.

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