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The Philosophy of Piano for Kids

The Philosophy of Piano for Kids

The philosophy of piano for kids is to keep it on the kid's level or don't teach it at all. There are other philosophies, such as disciplinarians. The philosophy of piano for kids needs to be made as simple as possible. It's transparent or it's useless.

It's a non-lesson. Throw out your ideas of music theory and pedagogy, and start thinking like a television game show host. That's what you will have to be in part, to properly teach and inspire a six year old at the piano. Look at the child you are about to teach and ask, "What do they hear?

How much TV do they watch? What was the last film they saw?" Ask yourself also, "What is their attention span?" A dim-witted piano teacher can make piano into drudgery very easily.

Piano Is Easy

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Present The Piano As A Toy

Use the piano to convince kids that it is just another toy. When they see the piano as a non-intimidating toy, they will adopt it and start playing with it like any other toy. If they are scared of you and the piano, you have failed. If they say, "It is too hard," listen to them.

Look at their face and see if it is too difficult. If it is, or might be, back off and find another way to get them to understand, or play a game.

There's No Reason To Ever Be Angry

Skills at the piano tend to be in layers, combining many little skills into one complex motion. Even the simplest act is full of little details. Fatigue, seriousness and guilt are interest killers. Avoid them like the plague.

If a kid sees a skill as too difficult, break that skill down into smaller, more manageable bits.

2000 Repetitions To Master Each Skill

A toddler takes 2000 repetitions to learn a motion, like picking up a cup. Think of how much more difficult even the simplest move of the fingers at the piano is. That will tell you how patient you must be to teach piano for kids.

Show everything and don't tell and talk so much. A child needs an absolute physical example, rather than an lengthy explanation. Play more than you talk. Show more than you tell. Move the show along so there is no possibility of boredom.

Make Tasks Age-Appropriate

If it's too hard, it will never work. You can't force a child to be more mature. You have to lay out the pieces so that even a four year old can assemble it. Think of a Lego. There are Lego sets that are difficult for even adults to put together.

Piano for kids can be one thousand times more daunting. A rule of thumb might be, if they are not having fun with it, it is too hard. Reduce the piano to an easy Lego set. You can add more later.

Know When To Challenge A Child

You must know when and how much to challenge them. Challenging a child at the piano is the privilege of a nurturing teacher, and do not abuse it. Use it only when they are very ready, and mask any defeat.

Regarding defeat, pretend it does not exist. Never, ever let a child know they have committed some great error unless you make light of it and can make them laugh. Children watch your face when they make a mistake. If they see you smile, the show goes on.

The Effect Of Guilt And Anger

If they see you seriously displeased, they will fold and feel inadequate. Your impatience and judgment will get you nothing. Being serious leads to guilt.

Once you are in the guilt zone, most willing effort is impossible. Don't forget whom you are teaching.

Kids have no idea Carnegie Hall even exists. Back off, lighten up, and lay the groundwork for that next lesson.

If you are nice enough, there will be one.


Piano Teaching Style

If It’s Fun For The Teacher, It’s Fun For The Kids

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The Backwards Piano Method

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If You’re Having Fun, You’re Not Learning

The Difference Between the Worst and Best Piano Teacher

A Piano Teacher’s Emotions

A Pleasant Piano Lesson Atmosphere

The Use of Humor in Piano Lessons

Make Use of Your Student’s Sense of Humor

The Piano Whisperer

Fitting the Piano Method to the Child

Soft Piano vs. Hard Piano

Why I Teach Piano

Advice To A Young Piano Teacher

Teaching Children's Piano

Guilt Is The Wrong Way To Buy Attention

The Piano Teacher’s Tone of Voice

Knowing When To Back Off

Piano Candy: The Case For Bribery

Why Nagging Your Child To Practice Won’t Work

How To Make Your Kids Love The Piano

Teaching Kid’s Piano Is Like Herding Cats

Repeated Victory Will Make You Invincible

Ratio of Talk To Activity in Piano Lessons

On Which Side of the Piano Do You Teach?

Setting the Mood Of Children’s Piano Lessons

Why Kids Succeed At The Piano

Child Pianists Are Like Guide Dogs

The Purpose Of The First Five Piano Lessons

The Real Goal Of Children’s Piano Lessons

How Simple Should Piano Lessons Be?

Piano Toys You Should Bring To A Lesson

Fun Kid’s Piano

Joyful Piano Lessons

The Invisible Piano Method

A Patient Piano Teacher

Make Beginning Piano Simple

The Reverse Piano Method

Nurture Your Piano Students

Against Disciplinarian Piano Teachers

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