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Piano By Number Basics

Piano By Number Basics

Piano By Number basics are the same as conventional piano basics, except that they are expressed in numbers instead of notes. Reading music is not the best starting platform for kids, and many find it confusing.

In addition, reading music prevents kids from diving into the fun sport of making music right away. Of course they have to read music, just not right away.

Piano Is Easy

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What The Academics Say

Academics will argue that piano cannot be simplified for the sake of anyone. Perhaps that is why 90% of the kids who use the conventional method will quit within a year. In conventional lessons, you will read boring exercise pieces for years before you ever get to an interesting or familiar piece of music. Playing Jingle Bells for 10 years is not a good diet.

Frere Jacques
| 1 2 3 1 | 1 2 3 1 | 3 4 5 * | 3 4 5 * |

Numbers Are Transparently Simple

In the drawing above, Piano By Number puts numbered stickers on the keys as a reference point. It is transparently simple to a child. In contrast, look at the drawing below, which shows the mysterious tools your child is given to start reading music on their first lesson.

Musical Staff and keyboard

Five lines above, keyboard below

The drawing above is infinitely confusing to kids, involving conflicting geometric planes and multiple dimensions that a child cannot even imagine. Read more about these complexities. This conventional method has a 90% failure rate. Piano By Number has a 10% failure rate.

Multiple Dimensions Are The Problem

So what is it about musical notation that kids and almost all adults find so confusing, especially in the beginning? The problem is dimensional. Conventional sheet music requires the child to immediately think in several, abstract dimensions such as left-right, up-down, time-space. Plus they must grasp a myriad of other conceptual and physical problems.

Where do your fingers go, what finger do I use, what shape should my hand be in? The list is endless, at least to a six year-old. Teachers make almost no allowance for a child’s confusion and push these concepts at them. They repeat the ideas again and again until the kids are dazed and confused.

Then, the lesson is over and we do it all again next week. And you wonder why the kids quit. Piano by number is extremely one-dimensional, that's why kids love it. It suits their brains.



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We've turned notes into numbers for happy beginners at the piano!

Play Along Songs Are Fun!


Turn that big piano into a toy! Play fun piano games with your child today! We help take the confusion out of beginning music theory.

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