I Want To Learn That Song That Goes....

When a kid says, "I want to learn that song that goes..." and then hums some melody, it has to be a moment of triumph for the intelligent piano teacher. It signals that a child has taken the piano on as their own, and are ready to explore music that they like.
Once a child makes this move, you should stand out of the way. Throw more fuel on the fire by finding every song in the child's head, and figuring out ways to arrange it so the child can play a bit of it. Every film, cartoon, nursery rhyme, TV show and computer game tune is eligible. Think of all the songs running around in your head, and then find what's going on in the child's.
Difference Between Work And Play
The opposite of this situation is when a child is bored with the piano, and doesn't care about any of it. The songs bore them, the piano bores them, even you, the teacher, are supremely boring to them.
But find that favorite song, and all of a sudden you are a much-needed partner in the search for a song. When a child crosses that barrier from "work" to "play" you will find the most fertile ground for teaching.
Like Kids Playing Together
Think about it. A child's experience of education is largely force-fed. When child plays with friends or by themselves, their entire imagination, inspiration and intelligence is stimulated. It is this same "play" state that we seek to awaken in the child's experience of the piano.
Without this sense of play, piano lessons are exactly what most kids claim they are. Drudgery. Don't expect enthusiasm for drudgery from a child.
Child’s Point of View
Don't Tell Kids How Hard the Piano Is
Number Sheets For The Piano
The Pillow and the Piano
What The Piano Means To Your Child
A Child’s Point of View
Finding A Child’s Piano Comfort Zone
Why Kids Need Freedom To Learn Piano
A Bill of Rights for Kid’s Piano
How Kids See The Piano
Inside A Kid’s Head During A Piano Lesson
Kids Don’t Care What’s In The Piano Book
Let The Child Appear To Lead The Piano Lesson
What Bores Children In Piano Lessons?
What Kids Like About Piano Lessons
The Teacher Is More Important Than The Book
Strict Piano Lessons Don’t Work For Kids
The Piano Is A Child’s Thinking Machine
How A Child Sees The Piano Keyboard
Kids Like Holiday Songs On The Piano
Follow The Child’s Pace With Piano Lessons
Discipline and Repetition Don’t Work in Kid’s Piano
Every Child Learns Piano Differently
Funny Piano Lessons
Engage Kids With The Piano
How A Child Sees The Piano
What Kids Think In A Piano Lesson
What Is Soft Piano?
Freestyle Kid’s Piano
What Kids Need In Piano Lessons
Piano By The Numbers
Piano With Numbers Keys